Monday, November 24, 2014

why we let our son wear makeup

My son is fully aware of what mascara is used for, asks for a ponytail on the daily and says things like, "Mama, do you like my dress?"  Instead of correcting him or telling him what the "norm" is - we think nothing of it, encourage it, let him embrace it and here's why....

We know the weekend is coming to an end, but try to put in a good face...

Because he needs to learn to feel confident in his life choices.

Regardless of what we teach (or don't teach) him, individuality is in his own hands.  He is at the best age to start paving his own path that will help determine what is right or wrong for him...not us...him.  While society may have an idea of what normal should mean, to us normal is un-defined.  Sure we guide him in life situations like how to cross the street or what to do when you're in a certain pickle, but when it comes to individuality it's all him to determine what (or who) he likes and doesn't like.  The best thing that we can do as parents is to support him in any decision he makes, not just now, but throughout his life.  So sure he likes to wear my hair accessories and wear a little Bobbi Brown, I mean who doesn't?  But as he grows, we'll continue to support his choices and make him feel confident that he is making the right decisions.



rebecae said...

You rock!

Wayatt said...

Cute baby ,nice make-up :).